It’s Alive!

By June 4, 2018Blog

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls pay attention! The time has come! That’s right I’ll say it again the TIME has come! Farmers all across this prairie land have FINALLY started sending their crops! Breathe a collective sigh of relief!

Well ok the first stage out of many is underway, and we do know there is a long way to go before harvest time rolls around this autumn. HOWEVER we cannot help but feel excited that another season has finally started! It is exciting to see all those machines in the field rolling through the plains!

It’s funny to think that just a few short weeks ago we kept getting hit with snow, causing farmers all over to panic… Yet here we are (in the middle of summer it would seem) and all is ok in the world! Seasons change quick, we know that, and more often than not things DO work out, so why do we panic so frequently?

It goes to show that a healthy does of patience, hope, maybe even faith can go a heck of a long way! Worry, fear, anxiety do NOTHING to remedy a problem, yet for some reason we all naturally gravitate towards those responses don’t we?

Maybe this year, taking in what just happened, we can lean more on some positivity versus being that Debbie downer we all know… No offense if your name is Debbie or anything… Just don’t be a downer… Please.

Hey you know who is remaining positive these days? The crew down at Agfinity! It’s like it’s always Spring in there, why? Well because they get to help out farmers, EVERY SINGLE DAY! That’s why!

Give Joseph and Jared a call today, maybe some of their positivity is exactly what the doctor ordered for you this season! Have a great season!

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